Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Advanced Database / Pangkalan Data Lanjutan

This subject discusses the requirements for advanced database applications and examines the concepts of various emerging database technology.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
  1. Understand the needs and concepts of object-oriented database, spatial database, web database, data warehousing and data mining.
  2. Be able to implement practical solutions using object-oriented database, spatial database, data warehousing and data mining approaches.
  3. Have the ability to present and discuss issues regarding emerging database technologies.
This file contain note that cover;
  • Chapter 1. Introduction - Object-Oriented Database
  • Chapter 2. Concept of Object-Oriented Database
  • Chapter 3. Object-Oriented Database –Standards and Systems
  • Chapter 4. Object-Relational Database Management System (SQL3,Object-Oriented Extensions in Oracle)
  • Chapter 4. eXtensibleMarkup Language-(XML);(Syntax,DTD-Schema,Xpath)
  • Chapter 6. Distributed Database
  • Chapter 7. Data Warehouse (On-Line Analytical Processing(OLAP))
  • Chapter 8. Data Mining (Association Rules, Classification, Clustering)
  • Chapter 9. Spatial Database
  • Also include quizzes (quiz2,3 and 4)
To download this note, click download icon below;
Click to download this note

Friday, July 25, 2008

Data Mining / Perlombongan Data -- updated..

This subject presents a comprehensive introduction to data warehouse and data mining. It provides a solid understanding of data and database technology, and explains why advances in both have come together to create the field of data warehouse and data mining. Data warehouse architecture, data warehouse model, OLAP, association rules, classification and cluster analysis, mining stream, time-series and sequence data, and mining object, spatial, text and web data, will be examined in this course.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate understanding of the processes and techniques used in data mining.
  • Implement practical solutions using data mining approaches
  • Be able to write algorithms to implement data mining techniques for applications
  • Discuss issues of implementation and usage of data mining
  • Familiar with data mining as a database technology for emerging applications.
This note contain 2 folder which is;
  1. PDF folder (Chapter 1 to chapter 9)
  2. Slide power point note folder (Chapter 1 to chapter 10)
Both note are from different source. You are suggested to download both file.

Download form mediafire
1. PDF folder --> >>download here<<
1. Slide folder --> >>download here<<

Download form 4share
1. PDF folder --> >>download here<<
1. Slide folder --> >>download here<<

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Artificial Intelligence / Kepintaran Buatan

Introduction to AI, History, Philosophy and Definition, Areas of AI Applications, Fundamental Issues in Intelligent Systems, Knowledge Representation and Search, Search and Constraint Satisfaction, Reasoning, Logic, Graph Theory, Problem Solving Techniques – Strong Method and Reasoning in Uncertain Situations, Inference, Searching involving Brute Force and Heuristic Search, Soft Computing and Agent Technology, Machine Learning.

Learning Outcomes:
  • At the end of the course, you should be able to:
  • Describe and elaborate the Concept, Theory and Techniques found in the Artificial Intelligence field.
  • Relate the Concept, Theory and Techniques in Artificial Intelligence to real world problems.
  • Apply the Concept, Theory and Techniques to solve real world problems using computer and information technology
  • Independently acquire knowledge and explain information on some key issues in AI.

To download the note, click the download icon below.
Click To download the note.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How to off-line update AVG antivirus

This time i will teach you about the way to off-line update avg antivirus. Off line update mean you update you antivirus without the internet connection. You will do this if you pc not connect to the internet. Okay without wasting time you can read the simple tutorial below..

1. First you must download the updater from the avg web site.
2. Below is the figure that show the file that you must download. You must download 4 file that is;
  • Windows: 8.0.138
  • Link Scanner DB: 8.0.49
  • AVI: 270.5.4
  • IAVI: / 1566

3. After you download that file, you must open AVG antivirus. From the menu, select Tools and choose the Update from directory...(like figure below)

4. After the, it will appear a windows that prompt you to choose folder that you save you updater/download. After that, click Ok.(figure below)

5. After you click Ok, the the AVG antivirus will tell you about the file that contain in the folder. Then you must click Update button to proceed the process update. (figure below)

6. Once you click the Update Button, the proses update is running. it shown in figure below.

7. After the proses of the installation successful, click the close button to end the figure below.

8. After that, you anvtivirus is update..

Hope you enjoy the simple tutorial that i've made to you.. Thanks for visiting this site.. :).

Untuk manual cara-cara update avg secara offline/update avg secara manual, anda boleh memuat turun manual/panduan terus kedalam pc anda. anda boleh memuat turun dengan klik pada ikon download di bawah.

Klik untuk download

Friday, July 18, 2008

SERANGAN VIRUS : W32/Nyxem.e @ W32/Blackmal @ W32/MyWife

Virus ini akan menjalankan aksinya menghapus semua fail dengan sambungan (jenis fai) *.doc, *.xls, *.mdb, *.mde, *.ppt, *.pps, *.zip, *.rar, *.pdf dan *.psd pada 3hb setiap bulan. Oleh itu, biasakan untuk secara teratur melakukan Backup data-data penting anda dan simpan pada media yang terpisah seperti cdrom atau USB drive. Virus ini dibuat menggunakan program bahasa “Visual Basic” dan dimampatkan menggunakan UPX dengan ukuran fail sebesar 94 KB [setelah fail dikembangkan] atau 131 KB [jika belum dikembangkan]. Lebih kurang 30 minit selepas virus ini aktif, ia akan mencuba untuk menulis semula semua fail yang mempunyai sambungan di bawah ini dengan menambahkan text DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5]":

1. -DOC
2. -XLS
3. -MDB
4. -MDE
5. -PPT
6. -PPS
7. -ZIP
8. -RAR
9. -PDF
10. -PSD
11. -DMP

Sekiranya anda menggunakan perisian antivirus Norton Antivirus, Kaspersky Lab atau Panda Software, virus ini akan menambahkan ikon antivirus tersebut pada Syatem Tray dengan memaparkan mesej "Update Please wait".

Jika komputer anda telah dijangkiti, sila ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk memulihkan kembali komputer anda dari serangan virus ini;

1.Download dan simpan fail FxBmalB.exe ke dalam cakera keras anda.
2.Putuskan sambungan ke internet.
3.Boot ke persekitaran Safe Mode (Tekan kekunci F8 semasa proses boot).
4.Cari fail NyahBmalB.exe menggunakan Windows Explorer atau My Computer, "Double-Click" pada fail tersebut untuk janakannya.
5.Klik pada butang Start dan tunggu hingga proses scan dan pembasmian selesai.
6.Buka Scheduled Tasks dan hapuskan semua kerja yang dibuat oleh virus ini.
7.Tutup semua program yang telah dibuka dan reboot komputer.
8.Sambungkan kembali talian internet.
9.Update perisian antivirus anda (PASTIKAN PERISIAN ANTIVIRUS ANDA SENTIASA DIKEMASKINI). Scan dan bersihkan komputer dari virus. Waspada selalu. Selamat Menangani Virus.


Thursday, July 17, 2008


The course will introduce students to current view of e-business and e-commerce systems. The course covers various aspects of e-business/e-commerce implementation in an organization. The aspects include the technologies that expedite the growth, the emerging and best practice business models or strategies, issues related with e-business implementation (legal, ethics, and societal), and security threats and security implementation. Students will be equipped with conceptual and technical foundations in the development of e-business/e-commerce applications via lectures, group works, and hands on labs. In addition the students also required to present and develop their own e-business proposal for selected organization. This is essential to assist them in developing their problem solving and communication skills.

content of note:

# Chap_1_-_Intro_Part_1
# Chapter_2_-_E-Marketplaces_Part_1_.ppt

# Chapter_2_-_E-Marketplaces_Part_2_.ppt

# Chapter_3_-_Retailing.ppt

# Chapter_4_-_Consumer_Behaviour_Part_1_.ppt

# Chapter_4_-_Consumer_Behaviour_Part_2_.ppt

# Chapter_5_-_B2B_E-Business.ppt

# Chapter_6_- Innovative EC Systems.ppt

# Chapter_7_-_Electronic_Payment_Systems[1].ppt

# Chapter_8_- EC Security.ppt

# Chapter_9_-_Legal_ethical[1].ppt

download by clicking the download icon below;

Click to download

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Computer Security

This subject will focus on the computer security and network security. Here some notes that will teach you about the security. You will learn about the security program, computer security, database security and a little about security of database.

Here the check list about the note content in the download zip file.
# chapter 1 - Introduction
# chapter 2 - Elementary Cryptography
# chapter 3 - Program Security
# chapter 4 - Protection in General- Purpose Operating System
# chapter 5 - Designing Trusted Operating Systems
# chapter 6 - Database Security
# chapter 7 - Security in Network
# chapter 8 - Legal, Privacy and Ethical Issues in Computer Security

You can download this note by simply clicking the download con below..Happy Download..
Click to download this note

Monday, July 14, 2008

Database Administration

This subject addresses how to manage a database server in a client-server environment. It focuses on database administration (DBA) skills in general and specific skills needed to manage an enterprise level, large scale, relational database system such as Oracle and SQL Server. The first part of the course takes a look at concepts underlying a database administration such as enterprise database planning, database architecture, installation, configuration and operation. The next segment investigate steps involve in creating and managing a database, such as estimating storage requirements, security, auditing, backup and recovery. The final segment deals with networking, distributed database processing, DBMS tuning, and other DBA responsibilities, including some advanced database management topics.

To download this note, click to the download icon below.
Click to download the note

Good luck in your study..

Thursday, July 10, 2008

How to update Microsoft Office.

Here I've share tutorial how to update Microsoft Office. You can download it by simply clicking to the download icon below.. Gud Luck..

Click to download

Friday, July 4, 2008

ASP.NET Programming Language.

Here some note and tutorial about programming language ASP.NET. It is a programming language about web programming. it is enhance from asp. You can download the note and tutorial below by simply clicking download icon below.

File Download include:
# 2 pdf file about course-2310-module-1 and course-2310-module-2
# Using Databases with ASP.NET in pdf file
# in pdf file
# 1 folder slide contained note lecturer from 1 to 7.

klik to download
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